Free Portra 400 Lightroom Preset

Popular by demand and sought after most, we present free portra 400 Lightroom presets for you. Many instagramers use film type presets to achieve their look so they have a consistency in their feed. So here at we created presets for a great starting point that’s based on the Kodak Portra 400 film color. In this pack you will get 9 different presets that work with different lighting situations. Along with that, you will receive a bonus black and white preset.

This pack will give you that vintage tone you’re looking for, with soft skin tones with no grainy effected added. So that your images will still be sharp and crisp. These presets can also be used for landscape, adventure, wedding, portraits, lifestyle, travel and even food photography.

Overall, the Kodak Portra Film preset pack is an excellent tool to elevate your photography, improve your editing skills, and give your images a unique vintage look.

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Free Portra 400 Lightroom Preset

How to install lightroom presets?

we have created a dedicated post to help you install these presets. Works with both Mac and Windows based computers and is super easy to install with step by step instructions with images for you to follow so that is easy. Check out our How to install lightroom classic presets article for more information.

Portra 400 Preset Examples

Examples Shown Below
Use the comparison slider to compare the before and after images using the Kodak Gold presets.
Click the rotated Square in the middle of the image and drag left or right.

Click the button below to get the Free Portra 400 Lightroom Preset pack.

Don’t know how to install the Adobe Lightroom Presets? Look no further. Checkout our guide on how you can install the Presets in Lightroom for Windows and Mac.

Checkout our other Kodak Gold Lightroom preset pack here, for another great preset to blend into your photography adventure.

Thank you for downloading these presets, we hope it can help you stylize your photography so you can focus on creating. Tag us on Instagram if you are using this preset.